Elevation Worship
Only King Forever
Only King Forever
Kings aren’t universally common today. When we think of crown-clad rulers and great kingdoms, we are more likely to imagine those of centuries’ past rather than the few still present today. But there are countless forces presently seeking to rule the hearts of man. These rulers can come in many forms: it could be a literal human figure like a politician, or it might be something more intangible like greed or fame. There are many figurative but demanding thrones we could bow down to, and this is why it’s essential to sing about who our God is – to remind ourselves that we have only one true King, forever.
Our God, a firm foundation
Our Rock, the only solid ground as nations rise and fall
Kingdoms, once strong now shaken…
“Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe.” – Hebrews 12:28
All other kingdoms can be shaken! Every empirical power in the Bible eventually met its end, and modern “kingdoms” are no different. Nations rise and fail, but there is one Kingdom that will last forever: the one that belongs to King Jesus. That Kingdom is worth investing in; that Kingdom is worth our trust, our zeal, and our very lives; that Kingdom deserves, and leads us to worship.
Unmatched in all Your wisdom
In love and justice You will reign, and every knee will bow
We bring our expectations
Our hope is anchored in Your name – the name of Jesus
We trust the name of Jesus
“But the Lord sits enthroned forever; he has established his throne for justice, and he judges the world with righteousness; he judges the peoples with uprightness. The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.” – Psalm 9:7-9
Other rulers promise power, influence, protection, and wealth. There are even times when we ourselves want to be the judge. But there’s only one who can reign and judge rightly; there’s only one who rules with unmatched wisdom and perfect righteousness. His love and mercy are far beyond our own, and His ways are unsearchable (Romans 11:33). At the name of Jesus, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that He is Lord (Philippians 2:10-11). No one else will reign like Him.
We want to claim the crown, but this is nothing new: Israel was desperate for a king; Eve wanted to know what she was missing with the apple; the Law took too long to come down from the mountain and God’s people turned to idols. In the absence of trust, we grasp for control. But even if we did have a chance to rule, we could never come close to Him. Who else is a stronghold for the oppressed in times of trouble? Who else would send the Son of God, and rest the government on the shoulder of a child (Isaiah 9:6)?
You are the only King forever
Almighty God we lift You higher
You are the only King forever
Forevermore You are victorious
We only have one King, one Authority, one Ruler. His reign is not just for today; it’s for yesterday, tomorrow, and every day to come. His kingdom is unshakeable, and His judgements are without error. His victory is sure and unending. His perfect rule leads us to respond in worship. He is faithful to His people. So we can give Him our hope, our expectations, and our trust. His is the name above all names. May we lift high the praises of our worthy King, Jesus Christ, forever.