Shane & Shane
More Precious Than Silver / I Sing Praises
More Precious Than Silver
Before we start, Will you take a moment right now and ask yourself a question? Pause this devo and ask yourself: what is it that you value most? If it helps, think about where you spend your time. Think about what you spend your money on. where your imagination goes when you are driving in your car. What are you scrolling through on your phone?
What do you value most?
There once was a songwriter named Asaph that wrote about what he valued most:
Whom have I in heaven but you?
And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.” Ps 73:25
“There is nothing on earth that I desire besides You?”
Does that hit you like it hits me?
There are ALL KINDS of things I desire on earth besides You! Just a few more thousand dollars a year. A few more days off. Some more likes. More views. More listens. More time in front. More time for me. I want a ton more of what I already have! I want to look different. I want to act different. I want different thoughts. I want a big truck with a 6 inch lift and big tires. I want to sing better. I want a bigger house. I want a farm. I want chickens.
Am I a Christian?
Was the apostle Paul a Christian?
He said this in Romans chapter 7:
“I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.
I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Rom 7:15,23-25
Oh yeah!!! Jesus! Jesus! There is Jesus! He is real! He is mine! If it weren’t for Jesus I would be dead. If it weren’t for Jesus, I would be lost in my endless wanting. Lost in my sin. But no, He delivered me and will deliver me from this body of death. So I sing. Over and over and over.
“Lord You Are, More precious than silver
Lord You are more costly than gold
Lord You are more beautiful than diamonds
And nothing I desire compares to You”
I sing it until I believe it. I stare at Him until He comes in to view. Even here with my wanting heart that is prone to wander I pray, Who do I have in heaven but you! The earth has nothing I desire but you! You are the brightest star in the universe. You are the treasure worth selling it all for. You are the Lord of Glory. Oh to see you for Who You are. Perfect in majesty. Holy in splendor. Clear away the fogginess from our view, Lord. May the cares of this world fade away in the light of Your glory and grace we pray in Jesus Name, amen.