Cody Carnes
Christ Be Magnified (Live)
Christ Be Magnified
“Christ Be Magnified” is the heart cry and prayer for Jesus’ followers. This prayer mirrors that of John the Baptist when he prayed that he might decrease and that Jesus might increase. It’s a prayer of humble and joyful surrender.
The first verse of the song reminds us that there is no one greater and no one more worthy of worship than our God. He is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and His name alone deserves all of the glory and honor. We were made to worship Him, and so when we do, we join in the song that we were always made to sing.
Because God is infinite in strength and beauty, and His nature is unchanging, to magnify Him doesn’t mean that we make Him greater than He already is. To magnify God is not to make a small God look big, but rather it’s the opposite. To magnify Christ in our lives means that we reflect God’s greatness in such a way that He is seen for who He really is, the Creator of the Universe. Therefore, the cry “Christ be magnified in me” is a prayer that we would change and that our lives would more clearly reflect the grandeur of the God that we worship.
When we live with the goal of magnifying Christ, we begin to see the world and ourselves through a different lens. We no longer seek to magnify our own image and successes, but rather, we learn to see and love the people and world around us as Christ did.
Verse two of the song reminds us that the things of this world are temporary and fleeting. The true riches and treasures of this life are found in knowing Christ. When we cling to Him and His sacrifice on the cross, we find real hope, forgiveness, and eternal life. In a culture that values material possessions and worldly success, we are choosing to prioritize our relationship with Christ above all things that compete for our joy and fulfillment.
In conclusion, the song “Christ Be Magnified” is a powerful reminder of the importance of keeping our focus on God. When we magnify Christ in our lives, everything else fades away. We become transformed by His love and grace, and our hearts are filled with deep love for the Savior who died for us.