Playing at a High Level
Learning Path Description
This path will take you down the road of principles, techniques, effects, and amplifiers! Join Coach Adam as he breaks down how to play at a high level in your worship gatherings!
Path Content
The "CAGED" System
Learn how the fretboard is structured so you can play anywhere in any key. |
The "CAGED" System: Partial Shapes
You don't have to play all six strings all the time. Partial shapes, especia ... |
Principles of Lead Guitar
Adam offers helpful insight into how to approach playing lead electric. |
Principles of Rhythm Guitar
Adam offers principles on how to approach playing rhythm guitar. |
Playing as the Only Guitar Player
You have a lot of space to fill as a solo electric player. Adam offers helpf ... |
Guitar Amps 101
How do you set your amp? Where do you put the mic? Adam walks you through al ... |
Adam's Rig Overview
Learn how Adam approaches using effects. |
Heart Talk
Why do we do what we do? Adam shares about growing from greed to gratitude. |