The Lord Almighty Reigns

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    For our Lord God Almighty reigns.

Let us rejoice and be glad

    and give him glory!

For the wedding of the Lamb has come,

    and his bride has made herself ready.

Fine linen, bright and clean,

    was given her to wear.” (Rev. 19:6b-8a)


This song from John’s Apocalypse rings out as one of triumph. The Wedding Supper of the Lamb, that on the best of days God’s people have only been eating the hors d'oeuvres of, has finally arrived. And God’s people are celebrating - what verse one describes as something that “sounded like the roar of a great multitude.


But before John sees them singing this great “Hallelujah” which means (praise the Lord), He sees God’s judgment on the earth. He sees a great battle between the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of the Evil One. He sees the martyrs who have been slain. He hears God’s judgment on churches that have gone astray.


Chapter 19 begins “After this.” For anyone in Christ, we have many “after this” moments if we have eyes to see them that would lead us to say something like “Hallelujah” or “praise the Lord” or “Amen!” But the songs of praise in some ways can only ever be as loud as our pain was deep. It is from this deep place of having walked through hardship that God’s people, at the end of it all, as we see in Revelation 19, offer their praise. 


After I was saved.

After I was freed from bondage.
After I found my footing again after my loved one died.

After I was able to forgive someone who hurt me.

After I was able to find some measure of healing from my past.


We all have an “after” or two or ten, that, if we remember the wonderful works of God on our behalf, will lead us to join in with this song that belongs to every voice of every tribe. This tune of every tongue. This ballad that the bride of Christ sings. And we are able to sing it today. Right now. Even in this moment, you can call to mind the wonderful works of God that He has performed in your life. You can remember all the “Befores” that have an “After.”


We can also call to mind all the “Befores” that are actually “Right Nows” that don’t have an “After” yet and have hope for the day when all will be made new and all manner of things shall be well.


So maybe today, this song of rejoicing that tells the story of what John saw and that we will see and will participate in, can find its way onto your lips. Today, whether you are living in a lot of “Befores” and long for newness, or you are living in some joyful “Afters” and are full of hope, you can lift up a Hallelujah. You can command your heart to rejoice and to hope again.


Indeed, we will join the feast. Rest from battles won. And tell with great rejoicing all the wonders God has done. Like the roar of mighty seas, roll of thunder, all the church will sing… Hallelujah. The Lord Almighty really does reign.

