Since Your Love
Volume Twenty Nine — View Song — — Get the Free Devo App

The story of the Bible is a story about relationships. The Eternal God, three in one, makes man in His image, relationships created (Genesis 1). Adam and Eve were made to know God, love Him, steward His world. And then, in Genesis 3, we see those relationships broken. Adam and Eve, in an effort to seize autonomy, disobey God, causing a relational fracture so deep that it penetrates every facet of life. From Genesis 3 to the end of the Bible, we see God’s gracious effort to pursue restored relationships with wayward, unfaithful people. God’s redemption plan to restore all things lost in the Fall culminates in Jesus himself coming to the earth to “dwell” amongst his people (John 1:1-10). Reading about Jesus’ life is much like reading a love story about a groom who will go to any length necessary to be with his bride. Relationship is at the heart of the gospel of Jesus. Because of this, anyone who follows after Jesus by grace, through faith, is restored to a relationship with God (Eph. 2:8). The dividing wall of sin is broken down in his atoning and sacrificial death, and we are buried with him and raised to walk in new life. This is what a restored relationship looks like.
The chorus of this song says, “I was made by You, I was made for You, I am unfulfilled without full communion.”
I find this to be a beautiful way to express who we are and why we exist. We were made by God, made for God, and until we have full communion with him we will be unfulfilled. There is nothing on earth that can fill the place of God in our lives. Every other relationship we have is secondary to our relationship with our Creator. Augustine said it this way “Our heart is restless until it rests in You.”
Where are you trying to find fulfillment?
What relationship are you wanting to fill the void that only God can fill?
The invitation that awaits us today is the same one that awaits us everyday, to seek friendship with God. To dwell with Him. To abide in His word. To commune with Him.
The Scriptures end with a beautiful picture of the new heavens and new earth descending, and in that moment John gives this declaration, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. (Rev. 21:3)
This Scripture reminds us of where our story is headed. We are headed toward a day when God himself will once again dwell with His people as He did in Eden. What we now know through faith we will then know by sight. Our relationship with God will not only be restored, but our future together will be consummated and we will be with Him forever. It is crazy to think that through the gospel of Jesus, this doesn’t have to just be a future reality for you and I. We are given direct access to God now. We are given the Holy Spirit as our guarantee for the life that is to come, and we can go before God’s presence boldly and with confidence because of Jesus’ great sacrifice (Eph. 1:14; Heb. 4:16).
Let us not run after lesser idols, but run to the all-sufficient One who has welcomed us back into relationship. Let us find communion with Him. For we were made for Him, and we will be unfulfilled until we find full communion in him.