Our God Is Greater
Volume Two — View Song — — Get the Free Devo App
Those whom [God] foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified. 31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:29–31)
Small gods can’t save sinners. Our only hope is a God bigger — much bigger — than the evils around us and the evils within us. If we understood the magnitude of our need, we’d never settle for anything less than a massive God, a massive Savior.
The good news is that our God — a God slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love — is a very, very, very big God. He is a God greater than our desperation in sin —purchasing our forgiveness and purging us of all unrighteousness. He is a God greater than the cravings of your heart, all of them put together. Nothing will fill and satisfy your deepest longings like the treasure we find in him. And he is greater than whatever is in front of you right now — whatever struggle, whatever conflict, whatever fear. You have a very big God, and he is eager to meet you and help you where you need him most. Trust him and experience that he is greater than you ever imagined.
How Great Is Our God?
God was greater than your rebellion against him when he made you his own.
God is greater than your failures in the past.
God is greater than your physical or emotional disabilities.
God is greater than the sin that’s been committed against you.
God is greater than the loss of your loved one.
God is greater than the crime in your city.
God is greater than the fears that feel so big and real.
God is greater than any other pleasure or prize in this world.
God is greater than the highest mountain or deepest sea.
God is greater than the tsunami or earthquake or tornado or flood.
God is greater than our enemies — all of them of every kind.
God is greater than the lies we’re tempted to believe.
God is greater than the other gods and idols we’re tempted to trust and worship.
God is greater than our sinful desires.
God is greater than the brokenness or conflict in our relationships.
God is greater than any illness, even cancer.
God is greater than your loved one’s faithlessness.
God is greater than our successes, achievements, and promotions.
God is greater than our weaknesses.
God is greater than our insecurities about sharing him with others.
God is greater than every evil, oppressive president or person in power.
God is greater than any suffering we might experience, however hard.
God is greater than any persecution we might face for our faith.
God is greater than the depressing trends of the American media and culture.
God is greater than you. And that is really, really good news.
The Image of Greater
And God has given us the perfect picture of his greatness in the person of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:3). The one who turned water into wine, who gave sight to the blind, who walked on water, who raised the dead, died for sinners, and then conquered death when he left the tomb. If you need to see that God is greater than anything in you or in your life, read the story of Jesus. See a man with authority and power over everything in this world — however dark and painful and hopeless — and know that he is alive and he can bring life and love and peace to you, right now.
This God who is greater is a God who is for you — he saves you, keeps you, works for you — if you will trust and follow him. Even though we deserve his wrath in every way, he will not be against you. “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). He is for us. The God of all power and all wisdom and all justice is for you.
So who or what could stand against you and win?